It can Feel Like the
End of the World.
but it doesn’t have to be.
Facing Federal Prison Time?
It can feel like the end of the world. However, it doesn’t have to be a traumatizing experience; you can take some control by hiring me, Rick Singer, a Felon and Mastermind of the US’ most sensationalized education story in US History – Operation Varsity Blues, to mentor and coach you and yours through all the elements of preparing yourself to enter prison and make the best of a bad situation by having the answers to the questions and issues that are most prevalent during your tenure with the Bureau of Prisons.
What I learned from my current incarceration, which lasted sixteen months before going to Halfway House as a high-profile prisoner was I wish someone took serious time answering all my questions so I had a game plan the moment I self-surrendered and through my time in prison. Just in Case Solution is very different from other services because we guide and coach you just before your sentencing and all the way through to your release from the BOP .
I created a comprehensive 8 session program to take you and your family through the elements of prison that I wish someone explained to me in detail from start to finish with lots of surprising ways you can control your situation in prison, the Halfway House, Home Confinement until your final release.
I will be available to speak by phone and email for you and your family before, while incarcerated in prison, during your Halfway House and Home Confinement stays. Frankly, I would hope that at least once a month if not more during your incarceration we communicate so I can dispel the many rumors that are created by other inmates and help you through any issues you may be having. There is so much Noise from other inmates that most everyone gets confused as to what is the truth.
“My job is to do the job your Attorney does not have the time or expertise to complete after sentencing and going forward.”
Prison is different from the traditional media accounts of prison. Unless you’ve been to prison yourself, you have no way of knowing what to expect.
What you can expect from us
Educate you about the Bureau of Prison’s processes
We have spent time in prison and understand how the system works. We will break down the process from your perspective so you know exactly what to expect every step of the way. We can also educate your loved ones.
Explain the do’s and don’ts of federal prison
We will explain prison rules and social expectations. We will explain to you what not to do during or after your sentence to avoid making your sentence more difficult and explain what is expected of you in order for you to not violate the terms of your release – including the rules, limitations and flexible approaches to making your Halfway House, Home Confinement and Probation tenures very workable.
Address your fears about the prison system
Most people facing a potential prison sentence have understandable concerns about what the whole process is going to be like. We will answer your questions and address your worries, fears and concerns so you know what’s realistic and what’s just media fear-mongering.
Support your needs
We will continue to work with you once your sentence has been addressed through your final release from the Bureau of Prisons.
What to Expect if You Have Just Been Sentenced to Prison
Well before the day of sentencing – when you get a target letter, get arrested, or are indicted – as early in the legal process as possible – you should be getting powers of attorney and prepare financially, get medical history up to date, get your GED, get your ID documents in order, etc. – that can’t be done on or after the day of sentencing because some people are sent directly from the courtroom to prison. On the day of sentencing, you should understand:
How the sentencing process works
What to expect on the day of sentencing
Where you’re being sent; what that means
The terms of your sentence
The terms for early release and other sentence mitigation tools
Your rights while imprisoned
The social, emotional and physical expectations in prison
How to organize your finances and legal responsibilities before you enter prison
Be there for them. Be patient, kind, understanding and know that they are scared about almost everything – what is prison going to be like, how will their family and loved one’s fare in their absence, will they be completely alone and away from everything they have ever known. You can take active steps.
During your consulting sessions, you will learn about these broad categories of information:
where you will likely be housed
types of prison housing
how to communicate with your loved ones
what you can buy at the prison commissary
how to obtain healthcare and psychological care
recreation opportunities
prison work assignments
educational opportunities and more
In addition to these broad categories of information, which broadly apply to everyone preparing for prison, we will also discuss with you more specific matters which are unique to your unique situation:
how to greet a cellmate for the first time
how to address what you are in prison for
strategies for avoiding conflict and violence
how to occupy your time in prison
how to seek a favorable prison placement
how to handle your finances
how to serve the least amount of time possible
and more
The above lists are certainly not comprehensive, this unique blend of broad and specific information will allow you to understand what is to come and how to handle situations even before walking through the prison gates. This is how to prepare yourself for prison intelligently and proactively.
While there are many nuanced topics to discuss, we find that we can effectively and thoroughly prepare our clients over a few weeks. Our approach not only teaches you how to prepare for going to prison; it cements an informational foundation in your mind which allows you to avoid problems and have as smooth of a period of incarceration as possible.
scroll below
BOP 101 - Emotional Preparation
Financial Planning
Whether you’ve been handed a prison sentence or are the loved one of someone going to prison, it can take a heavy emotional toll. Anger, sadness, denial, and other emotions are very common. Often prisoners and their loved ones need help dealing with this emotional turmoil when faced with a prison sentence.
The team at Just In Case is very familiar with the emotions associated with going to prison. All of our team members have contended with this situation directly.
We will sit down with you and your family to help you emotionally prepare. We’ll help you come to terms with what is going on and how you will make it through. We typically bring on a therapist to help ensure that you and your family are heard and supported through this troublesome time.
One of the many stressors prisoners and their loved ones contend with is the family’s primary breadwinner being out of the workforce. This brings front-of-mind many pressing questions, including:
Who is going to bring income to the family?
How can a prisoner and their family financially prepare for a loved ones’ prison sentence?
How is the prisoner going to pay for things while in prison?
These and many other financial planning aspects are a reality of an impending prison sentence. The team at Just In Case can help you deal with financial issues surrounding a prison sentence.
We can also refer you to financial experts, such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and other quality financial planners, to help you and your family deal with the financial stress associated with family members going to federal prison.
Additional Courses as part of our BOOTCAMP:
1st Day in Prison R&D
BOP 102
1st Day Integration into the Prison Population
BOP 103
Day to Day Life in Prison Up to A&O
BOP 104
BOP 105
A&O and Beyond
TEAMS Meetings with CASE Worker
BOP 106
When and How do I push for Halfway House
BOP 107
Preparing for Halfway House/Home Confinment
BOP 108
Let us help you. We value your privacy, all information provided to us is treated with high confidentiality.